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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Open Letter: 14 Years...

“Respect yourself enough to walk away
from anyone or anything that no longer
serves you, grows you, or makes you happy”

14 years ago in that dingy hospital corridor I made the not-so-difficult decision to walk away from you, and your abuse, once and for all. After one final argument, about what a lousy daughter I was despite the hours of help and care I was providing you while you recovered from your quintuplet bypass, I said good-bye for the last time. I turned around and walked away from the poison you infected my life with for 21 years! I made my peace with that decision long ago, but I can honestly say that I have never forgiven you for everything you did, and never will.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Choosing A Photographer… Ugh!

I have a few different family photography type projects in mind that I would like to see happen over the summer. You would think that having a whole bunch of photographer friends would make the decision a no-brainier, but it really doesn’t. See, I also know these people well enough to know what I am up against and I am not so sure I want to get into all of that.