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Friday, April 30, 2010

Tips for TTC and Infertility

"Happy are those who dream dreams
and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."

Riding the Rollercoaster

When deciding to start (or extend) a family, everyone goes through a similar mix of emotions but at very different levels. Whether you are just starting on your journey or you feel as though you have been walking for days (months… years…), trying to conceive is like an amusement park filled with many highs and lows both emotionally and physically. For some they are mild and over with in the blink of an eye but for the majority they seem to be more moderate. But for countless couples, TTC becomes the biggest and scariest rollercoaster they have ever faced. Just when you feel as though you are on top of the world, life catches you off guard… after months of trying and planning, the diagnosis of infertility comes and you find yourself on top of a rollercoaster. You never thought for a second that this could happen to you and you are wondering how you got there. You can give up or you can strap yourself in and go along with the ride; down, through vertical drops, speeding tracks, and spiraling, jerky twists and turns fighting your fears and tackling anything that gets in your way.

At first, being told that you have fertility problems can sometimes make you feel as though you have hit a brick wall. You become a well of emotions. You are confused, angry, sad, and sometimes even ashamed. You can feel as though you are a failure. You start to pick at everything you do in your day to day life; I should eat better, exercise more, take more vitamins, drink more water, and on and on and on… but you are not necessarily to blame! Sure, there may be things you could have done in the past to help avoid reaching this point, but most times you probably would have hit the same brick wall in the end. It is hard not to let your emotions get the best of you, but the only thing you should be thinking about at this point is not what you COULD have done but rather what you SHOULD be doing now. Take charge.

Infertility and your Relationship(s)

Infertility can destroy many a relationship just as it can the individual(s) if those involved (directly and sometimes indirectly) are not mindful of the situation. Trying and failing month after month can take its toll on you; it can be extremely frustrating and confusing. There are a lot of medical terms to understand, appointments with invasive procedures, a schedule to follow, medications to adapt to, side effects, and emotions to contend with not to mention regular stresses of day to day life.

What do you do when your significant other is upset and/or crying? Are they really “ok” or should I be worried? Why isn’t (s)he speaking to me? Did I do something wrong? Why does (s)he always seem pissed off? Will we ever be happy again? Why is this happening? We don’t communicate anymore. We never go out together. We are drifting apart. Am I the only one who feels this way?

You will never say or do all of the right things at all of the right times but response and consequences may differ when piled emotions, stress, and other factors are added to the mix. Jealousy that one person has it so easy while the other suffers through treatment can also cause resentment. I firmly believe that anger and jealousy are two of the stronger emotions that can control and destroy a relationship (even between friends), and infertility is a definite source of both. Be careful. Don’t let them get to you!

2 heads are better than 1!

There is a day to day balancing act and sometimes you will inevitably fumble. Pick up the pieces and start again… together! I cannot stress TOGETHER enough. Communication and unity negates failure of a relationship. No matter who has the condition, the couple has the problem. You both need to be an active member in the process. Granted, women always seem to be more involved and have a library of information stored in their heads but men, you need to be involved too! She may want to tell you every little detail and you may experience a touch of information overload but it’s important to her. Try to be interested and receptive even if you only comprehend half of it. Together, it may even help you decipher and predict when things may be rocky ahead of time!

And, if all else fails, get help! Medical doctors are only treating the infertility, not the emotions that go along with it. Find someone who specializes in talk therapy (since anti-depressants are probably out of the question). Go together, as a couple. Support each other. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this in person, then seek some help online. You are not alone with these issues and you shouldn’t have to go through it alone either. There are people out there willing and ready to help. They may be a complete stranger but you can still cry together, support each other, laugh out loud, and hopefully you can celebrate together one day as well!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Round 2: Step 3 (Final Ultrasound) - Strike! You're out!

I had my second and last ultrasound for Round 2 today and there were no changes from Monday. If anything, the one follicle I had was decreasing in size it seems. I am not quite sure if I am feeling my heart beating, or throbbing from being stomped on. For years I waited as patiently as possible to start Clomid … YEARS! I thought it would be the answer to my prayers, but it has failed… 2-0 Clomid.

The doctor on call was going to try Clomid one more time with a higher dose, but I had spoken to my doctor earlier and he agreed that injections would be the best way to go from here. DH was with me today because I knew it would be an emotional appointment and I also knew there was a high chance that we would need to learn how to do the injections. Unfortunately though, my doctor was called into an emergency so I wasn’t able to see him to get the prescription. Without knowing which injections he was going to prescribe, the nursing staff was unable to teach us today.

So, now we wait. I have an appointment on May 6th with my doctor unless he has an earlier cancellation. From there, I start the Provera again and then I go in for an ultrasound around CD1 from what I understand. At this time, they will teach us how to do the injections and I will proceed to freak out (mildly). It seems that the injections have a higher rate of success, but also a higher rate of ovarian hyper stimulation; where numerous follicles begin to develop, thus causing the ovaries to become swollen and enlarged… and painful! Ovulation induction will only be done if you have 4 mature follicles or less. Anything more than that and you are at risk for multiple multiplies and it is not safe. You can however extract some to decrease the amount induced and you can freeze them for future use with in-vitro fertilization (IVF). This is expensive but may be worth it!

A couple of people have asked me today if this is really all worth it. Why am I willing to put myself through all of this? Well, it is because I am stubborn, determined, willing, and able. I want this so badly and I will not let PCOS defeat or deflate me. I admit that I am on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster right now, but it is nothing compared to everything I have been through in the past. It is tough, but it is with purpose and the greater picture is what gets me through. I don’t think I have ever wanted something so badly in all my life…

Monday, April 19, 2010

Round 2: Step 3 (First Ultrasound)

Had my first ultrasound this morning for Round 2... And I am still not sure how I feel about it... Slightly mixed emotions at the moment...

For Round 1, I went for my first ultrasound on CD10 and had a follicle measuring 8mm. When I went back on CD14 no other follicles had grown and the 8mm follicle was still 8mm. And for my last ultrasound on CD18 nothing was left so basically it didn't work.

Today is CD12 of this cycle and once again there was only 1 dominant follicle and it was measuring 9mm. Yes, this is larger than last cycle at this point but still not really close to where it should be. It needs to be almost twice this size to mean something so it is only have way there. I have to go back on Friday, CD16, to see if anything changes.

What does this mean? Well... if it grows exponentially that is great! It means that I responded to 100mg of Clomid and we can continue with the hCG injection and BD while crossing our fingers! However, if it disappears again then this means that I am not responding to the Clomid and they will be changing me over to daily hormonal injections to see if that works.

Many people tell me not to worry, that I always have in-vitro to fall back on, etc... But the thing that no one seems to understand is that even for in-vitro I need to create a large enough follicle in order to do the egg collection and this has yet to happen. So no, right now I do not have in-vitro to fall back on unless I want to use an egg donor and I am SO not ready for that in any way right now!

To be continued I guess...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Close to home...

When I was younger I remember visiting my grandmother in the hospital, but I was too young to understand why she was there. Over the years I came to understand that she had been in the hospital for a mastectomy due to breast cancer. I have known since then that I need to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, but was not overly concerned as it was my grandmother and not my mother.

Well, this has now changed. As many of you know, I do not really have a relationship with my parents and I do not have any siblings. My mother and I e-mail each other but generally only in regards to my grandmother and not much more than that. This morning, this changed. I received an e-mail from my mother and it did not have anything to do with my grandmother.

About a week ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She will be having surgery in May or June, radiation therapy, and possibly chemo.

It’s strange and a bit difficult to process all of this information because we are not close at all. On one hand, it is really affecting me and I am concerned for her health. On the other, I don’t know what I could possibly do or even how to reach out to her without going through pain all over again. I don’t have the will or the energy to go through that process right now.

So, now I have diabetes and heart disease on my father’s side of the family and cancer (2 types so far) on my mother’s side. Add all of MY health issues on top of all this and you start to wonder how I wasn’t weeded out during the process of evolution and natural selection! I just hope my kids get DH’s medical history and not mine…

Friday, April 9, 2010

Round 2: Step 1 Update

We just got back from Crazy Town (NYC)! Good trip but a bit of sensory overload. Not somewhere I want or need to go back to any time in the near future! I did manageto pick up some Pre-Seed while in New York though. Not sure if it is as good as it claims to be but it can't hurt to try it!

Now for the update... like clockwork, 4 days after the last Provera... AF arrived! YAY! I will be starting the Clmoid tomorrow at 100mg and my next ultrasound is scheduled for April 19th.

Fingers and toes crossed!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Round 2: Step 1

So we begin again... I started the Provera today and hopefully things will go smoothly with this step like it did in February. My bags are packed, easter dinner tomorrow, and then we leave early Sunday morning for NYC! I have a whole bunch of things I want to do while we are in there but at the same time... if they don't get done they don't get done. No stress... people watching can be just as entertaining! I may or may not be posting while we are away. We'll see.

Happy Easter everyone!