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Monday, November 24, 2014

One Month Until Christmas

Seriously? One month! Are you kidding me?

This morning someone asked me why I was so stressed out about Christmas since all of my shopping is already done, and I think my answer surprised her. Since I start my shopping so early and do it in bits and pieces, this never stresses me out it’s the holidays IN GENERAL that I don’t like!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Open Letter: To DH

Over the years you have received countless letters and notes from me; love letters, reminder post-its, to-do lists, messages on the bathroom mirror (not in the creepy sense), and long winded letters of anger/frustration/confusion when I couldn’t express myself so well verbally too (hey, we have all been there).

But this one is different… because I want the world to know about this one!