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Friday, July 10, 2015

20 Weeks! Halfway There!

It feels like it was just yesterday that I POAS and found out we were pregnant, and now we are halfway there with 20 weeks or so left to go! Still don’t know if I will be induced early due to GD or if they will let things occur naturally so we can’t really be sure (can you ever?). So far though, the GD has been extremely well managed and I am very proud of myself for that!

As for symptoms, I guess I still don’t really FEEL pregnant! Although, it is getting clearer to everyone around me that I am and it is harder to hide. The weight loss everyone noticed a couple of weeks ago (a total or 21lbs now) is being overtaken by a protruding baby bump. I guess since I am so used to seeing myself at different sizes I just look “bigger” to myself, but not to others. It depends on what I wear as well since all my old clothes are too big for me now so I always feel like I am floating in them. The new things I have bought, while not many, fit well and show the bump off!

20 week bump!
Pregnancy sites say you will start snoring now, and I have stopped due to weight loss (according to DH). They say I may start getting leg cramps, none yet. Tossing and turning at night? Nope. Getting up to pee in the middle of the night? Never. Bending over is getting a bit uncomfortable, but other than that I feel great! A little more irritable probably, but I am convinced that is work and not the pregnancy! Ask any of my co-workers and they would tell you the same.

I do feel movements and kicking and have for some time now. It started around 14 weeks or so, but only once in a blue moon. Now they are almost daily, but not quite. I usually feel it after I eat, but occasionally he/she goes a little crazy in there. I have taken to saying there is a soccer game going on inside of me, Italy vs. England! Yesterday I got a good stiff kick so someone must have scored!

We signed up for our pre-natal classes but I am second guessing them now. After talking to many people about it I think they will be mostly redundant for us so why waste the time and money? I need to call the place we booked with and ask them for some sort of itinerary I guess to see for sure. It can’t hurt, but it could be really boring and a waste of our time!

We recently got a car load of supplies from my in-laws, bottles galore along with a bunch of other things we needed. I see lots of sterilizing in my future! And, we took a day trip down to the US to do some shopping and got a bunch of smaller things we couldn’t find here too. And yes, I also got the “My mother doesn’t want your f*cking advice!” onesie! They had all sizes but I only got one for now… for now!
Our next ultrasound is coming up soon as well, and if Timbit co-operates we will find out if we are having a boy or girl!!! I cannot wait to finally know what this little human is!