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Monday, September 28, 2015

Prenatal Class Part II (and more…)

Prenatal classes are officially over now! We learned a lot more than I thought we would so I would still highly recommend these classes for anyone on the fence like I was. In fact, I am considering them as a baby shower gift for a couple of people right now!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Prenatal Class Part I

This past Sunday, DH and I attended our first prenatal class. We chose the intensive course split into 2 full days instead of 6-7 separate evenings as this is much easier on both our schedules! And yes, after hesitating about these classes for months and finally decided to do them, I was actually very happy with what we have learned so far!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Home Stretch

Depending which source you refer to, your third trimester starts anywhere between 25-28 weeks which is quite a difference. I am half way through week 27 so we will just assume that this is it! And considering they plan to induce between 38-40 weeks, this means I only have 10-12 weeks left!