Since DH is gone I have been spending most of the evenings this last week in the living room, on the couch, with the laptop and my Sex and the City DVD's. It was my attempt to relax, however, a couple of night ago my shoulder decided to give out on me. I couldn't even lift my own purse (which I admit is heavy but not THAT heavy).
So, yesterday I went to the spa and treated myself to a deep tissue massage in an attempt to heal my shoulder. It was awesome... but I realized something; it wasn't just my shoulder. My back, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, feet... every inch of me was tense! Even the masseuse pointed it out and asked me why I let it get so bad. And you know what? I don't know; I guess I was just preoccupied and forgetting about ME again.
I left the spa feeling much better and my shoulder barely hurts now, but I am glad I made another appointment in a couple of weeks because I think all of the pain that was in my shoulder has spread over the rest of my back and neck and I feel as stiff as a board! The masseuse said I would probably feel worse before I feel better and boy did she know what she was talking about!
Since last night I have been chillin' with Bengay, my heating pad, and my Sex and the City. I have a somewhat busy weekend planned but today I am off work, home, alone, and relaxing! And it feels good! Oh, and I suddenly understand the appeal of having a hot tub because if I had one, I wouldn't be sitting here writing this right now!
Note: On July 27 I started going to Physio for this problem and also re-arranged my whole office. Getting better now!