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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Life Begins At 36

Yesterday DH and I quietly celebrated my 36th birthday together… the last one with “just the two of us” and that couldn’t make me happier!

As we sat in The Keg eating dinner, I couldn’t help but think about how far we have come and how much things have changed since last year!

I seem to have an aversion to working on my birthday so I always take the day off. Last year at this time I was secretly getting ready for my upcoming egg collection; injecting massive amounts of hormones and really not feeling all that great! We were heading to The Keg for dinner then too, and I remember walking around playing tourist beforehand feeling like I had melons instead of ovaries inside of me and in uncomfortable pain. The heat was unbearable and I had to rest several times on the way there, constantly feeling like I was going to throw up. Looking back now I am not even sure why I was so determined to go out in the first place!

Oh right… it’s because I’m stubborn!

Anyhow, just a few days after my 35th we went through the (awful) egg collection and that was when this little miracle inside me now was actually “conceived”! And, to be completely honest, never in a million years did I think that just one year later I would be almost 7 months pregnant! But here we are… delighted, ecstatic, and oh so happy!

So what did we do for my birthday this year? I actually took both Monday and Tuesday off giving myself an extra-long weekend so that I could get some more work done on the nursery while DH was at work on Monday. First I finished sanding and painting the wall where we removed an old phone jack, and then I managed to get every bit of clothing and all of the blankets washed AND put away. I made up the crib and I even made it to Wal-Mart to get some baskets and organizers for the drawers. And, considering it is back-to-school season, it was surprisingly quiet shopping! I even picked up some groceries while I was there to save me another trip.

On Tuesday I finally managed to get the house vacuumed and then we went out to La Belle Province for hot dogs (yes-they-are-crap-but-it-was-my-birthday-so-there), followed by a round of mini putt and ice cream. He kicked my butt even if you count my cheating on a couple of holes! It was fun, but it wasn’t the best choice of activity because I was having trouble bending down to get the golf ball out of the hole! DH had to grab it for me each time which was kind of funny actually. We came home and watched a (stupid) movie together before heading back out to The Keg for dinner again where, yes, I had DESSERT! I am a sucker for a good crème brûlée and I just couldn’t resist. My sugar levels are paying for the day a bit now but I will get them back in line soon.

And today… back to work. Oh well, at least it’s almost Friday! And, even better, only 71 days till mat leave starts!