I was finishing off my Christmas shopping a couple of weeks ago when I inevitably ended up in the toy section; specifically, surrounded by Super Hero stuff. Batman, Superman, the Joker… you name it! And, as I stared at all of my options it dawned on me: these are not SUPER HEROES, these are just characters created from someone’s imagination.
Wait, what? The girl who actually LIKES comics, LOVES Gotham, and KNOWS what Arkham even is, amongst other things, is saying this? Don’t get me wrong… I still like the DC and Marvel franchises, but over the last year or so I have come to learn what a real super hero is.
Watching my nephew grow up, battling the odds put against him when he
was born and knowing how hard his team of family, friends, doctors and
in-home care providers work every day to help him succeed – they are the
real super heroes, each and every one of them, especially him; he is a little trooper! So, while my favorite superhero doesn’t have any Hollywood movies out about him yet, I assure you he doesn’t need one to fall in love with him! Just seeing
a short video of him sitting up, unassisted, for the very first time a few
weeks ago brought tears to my eyes and an enormous amount of warmth to
my heart. And it doesn't hurt that he has the curliest hair, the bluest eyes, and the most handsome little grin!
So, with all of that in mind, I left the store and went home on a mission. Knowing that I had various resources at my fingertips that could help me pull off my idea, I reached out to a few of them and one in particular has come through and exceeded my own expectations. The final product just arrived in the mail yesterday and I cannot wait to send it to you!
Love you, lots, xox! And Merry Christmas!
PS. No matter how many times you ask me to tell you what it is, I won’t! Be patient!