I was talking to an old friend last night and that’s when I realized something… he has very little time in his life for a relationship but he would truly like to be in one and he wants to share everything in his world with someone special. Whereas I have all the time in the world (although it doesn’t feel that way lately), and someone very special to share it with, but because of his job he is frequently not home!
It’s funny how these things happen…
DH’s amount of travelling changes frequently throughout the year, but at this particular moment I find it excessive. Long story short, from mid-September until the holidays in December he will be away far more than he will be home to say the least (insert upside-down frown here). Frustrating? You bet!
I took my cues on how to be a work widow from a very good friend of mine who was going through this when we first met. Without her, I don’t think I would have been able to handle all of this… especially not in the beginning. I was thinking about this the other day when something interesting popped into my head. When her other half would travel for work, she would frequently go and stay with her parents at their house even though she had a home of her own right next to work and everything! Back then, this was the only thing about her ways of coping that I didn’t really understand. Maybe, in part, because I am not close to my family? I don’t know, I just always thought it was a bit strange but I never said anything to her about it (well, I guess she will know now lol). Anyway, the point is… I get it now! I really, really, do!
Being alone sucks! Two cats and two fish don’t make up for human contact! The only problem for me is that I am also a really bad guest when I am alone! I need to be in my own environment to feel comfortable, especially if I am under stress. Or I need to be with DH – wherever he and I are, as long as we are together, feels like home (awe). But when we are apart, the only home that feels like HOME to me is MY home. I would rather play host than guest I suppose. And you know what? Maybe I should start! At least until we have kids… because I am convinced that when we do this will no longer be an issue for me. I need to start having sleepovers or something. We now have two actual guestrooms and two sofas to choose from as well, so why not? Right?
Any takers?