Madonna is coming! Madonna is coming! Did you hear? Madonna is coming!
With the release of her new album, Rebel Heart, later this week I expected a tour announcement to follow, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon! Like, right around the corner! Ok, 6 months, but still!
So, what’s the dilemma?
I fell in love with Madonna after hearing her first album, Madonna, when I was only 4-5 years old (1983-84). Yes, I was a 5 year old who walked around singing “Like a Virgin” and “Material Girl”! You can probably blame one of my dance teachers for this because I doubt my parents introduced me to her music. Anyhow, in 1987 she began her Who’s That Girl Tour and I must have seen posters for it around the city or something because I remember that I really wanted to go, even though I probably didn’t understand what a concert was! But, of course, I was too young. Again, in 1990, she began her Blond Ambition World Tour, but this time she wasn’t coming to our city so that wasn’t going to happen. And then, in 1993 she returned here with The Girlie Show, but once again the answer was no.
Jump forward to 2006, a couple of tours later, and I am now 27 years old, living on my own, struggling to pay my bills and she announces she is touring again AND coming here with the Confessions Tour! I HAD to go! And, I did! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get tickets the day they went on sale so I found some on Ebay. I saved and saved for months in order to do this and even sold some old jewelry to get the money. My tickets were in the nosebleeds. I overpaid for them by A LOT. But, I didn’t care! DH came with me and, in his words, I was nuts. I even remember crying the second the lights turned off and her huge disco ball started falling from the ceiling. I had wanted this moment for close to 20 years, and the whole show was nothing less than mind-blowing!
Since then, I have vowed to go to every single concert she tours here with and so far I have! In 2008, the Sticky & Sweet Tour with DH, much better seats and a messed up foot that needed to stay elevated but that didn’t stop me! In 2012, The MDNA Tour (my second favorite show after Confessions only because that was the first show I ever saw probably) with a friend this time and the most amazing seats eye-level to the stage. Actually, for this tour I regret not getting tickets for her show the second night!
And now, the dilemma. Rebel Heart is coming in September. Ticket pre-sales start next week and I will be the first one in line (or, on-line I guess). Money isn’t a factor anymore when it comes to Madonna! I even had the crazy idea of getting seats on the floor or in the “pit” she has had in the past but I decided that eye-level is a much more sane decision. I already have a short-list of who I am going to take with me (and even asked someone already who declined because he/she is stubborn and crazy).
But… what if I'm pregnant? And yes, I’m serious. I’m not, but what if I am?
I have asked around, Googled, and even plan to ask one of my nurses and doctors if it is safe and OK. But, even if they tell me that it’s fine, will I agree with them? Clearly being in a seat is the best option over being on the floor, especially in this situation, but what about the noise? What about the vibrations that go through your body? I can go on and on but you get the idea. And... when did I become THAT type of mom-to-be who isn’t even a mom-to-be yet? And why now?!
Next week, I am going to the best tickets I can buy because I have no way of predicting the future and I don’t want to miss out on this tour for nothing. But honestly, I don’t even know if I will end up making it there! And, you know what? Irrational fear or not, if I stay home to protect my unborn child… that’s… OK! And yes, I am nearly twitching while I type this!
Hopefully I a) am pregnant by then and b) get over this fear in time for the show!