“Every good and perfect gift is from above…”
James 1:17
Almost a year has passed since we first found out my SIL was pregnant, and it’s funny how things turn out to be sometimes...
I never wrote anything about this before, but when the announcement was made last summer I was completely torn apart and devastated by it. I was extremely happy for the parents-to-be, but I was already so sensitive and fragile about our own TTC situation at the time that it put me into a pretty dark place for quite some time. Everything that I was already feeling intensified, things that I had buried were uncovered and a mixture of new emotions appeared as well.
It took me a while to get out of my own head and deal with the issues in front of me/us but, looking back now, I believe it was that downward spiral that actually helped propel us forward and get us to where we are today. Sometimes you need to hit bottom to get back up again!
My faith in science and medicine is far stronger than my beliefs in blessings or miracles, and I have no faith in “a higher power” where TTC is concerned. But I do believe in love, I know that I have nothing if I have no hope and most of all I do believe that we will succeed one of these days! And I think in a small way, this little girl helped restore those feelings for me.
And, with that said, on May 18th, DH and I officially became Godparents to niece #2! Ok, so technically he became the Godfather and I became a "Witness" since I am not Catholic, but whatever! I commissioned a special card to commemorate the occasion (pictured below with a link to the designer) and put together a gift basket including a beautiful cross that sort of resembles a butterfly too, a gift certificate to have her ears pierced, a set of Cinderella and The Fairy Godmother books, and a little stuffed animal for her to cuddle.
And, in addition, I was able to add to my Tiffany jewellery collection! One down, so many more to go... I love it, thank you!
Thank you both once again for giving us this gift and honor! It was our pleasure.