We are now less than 10 days away from our trip to NYC, so I went online to see if the taping schedule and guests were posted for the Anderson Live taping next week and what do I see? I find out that THIS WEEK Anderson Cooper is in Italy reporting live from Vatican City on the selection of a new Pope… uh… that’s fine, right? I’m not there THIS week… but there is no mention of NEXT week! Gah! Religion and I do not see eye to eye at the best of times, and Catholic practices would have to be one area that I take issue with most so I don’t really care about a Pope selection at all but what about my Mr. Cooper? He is the main reason I am even going back to NYC again this year! How long is he away for? Will he be back in time for the tapings I have tickets for? Is he staying until they finalize their decision? Does he really have to be physically there for the decision? Ugh! Decide already and send Mr. Cooper home please!
So, how does this lead to me not wanting to marry him anymore? For starters, I already know what living life as a work-widow is like and with him it would just be way more complicated with him running off to wars and tragedies around the globe all the time. And, this trip was very last minute, unexpected and unclear as to how long it will be for and that’s a big no-no in my books! And lastly, no husband of mine will ever be allowed to run off to Italy without me! Are you kidding me? I am not sitting HERE while my other half is over THERE. No way!
So, to conclude, I no longer want to marry the man but I DO want to see him - desperately – so please, please, PLEASE be there next week!!!