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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Rory The Cat

Being back at work full time, and extremely busy, has left me with little to no time to bla bla bla on the blog these days it seems. I am promising myself that I will not let this place run down or become a monthly update spot but, like most thing, it will take time to figure out. In the meantime, this will be another general update post.

First a quick update on health related issues.

Our holiday time family cold finally disappeared once and for all in early February! A month straight of people being sick in the house was not fun! But, if that was the worst of the season, it is over with now. Fingers and toes crossed!

Carpal tunnel has finally been confirmed once and for all. I went for my Electromyography (EMG) at the beginning of February and the right hand is sever, left hand is starting. The doctor said it was not “caused” by pregnancy, since it started years before, but the rapid deterioration was likely what sped up the process. I have a referral for surgery and have an appointment next month with one surgeon while I wait to hear back from another. I decided to go through the public medical system rather than private, although private is more appealing in some ways. I spoke to my insurance and told them that I found a private facility that could get me back to work within a week if all went well, but they won’t cover the 5k price tag. Other doctors have a 4-6 week recovery and are free, and my insurance covers my time off work. So, longer time off, but no money out of pocket. I am still wavering but 5K is a lot of money! I can think of much more interesting plastic surgery to do for that amount!

Sleep apnea continues to be a problem. Some weeks are better than others, but this week has been particularly bad. I met with the specialist and I am not a candidate for surgery it seems. He said the only solution would be to buy the CPAP machine. I am currently in the “I don’t want it”, “I won’t use it”, “I hate it” and “you can’t make me” phase, but I think I will need to bite the bullet sooner rather than later. They do have a 3 month rent –to-purchase option, so I am considering that… considering!

As for AF, I met with the new gynecologist and he basically said what my GP already told me; deal with it, hormones or hormones. I am trying one type now for a couple of months and then I will try another to see which I prefer.

And now, Rory. We adopted Rory back in 2004. I had another cat, Byanka, who was home alone all day and I wanted to get her a friend. Rory ended up being a pretty feral cat and didn’t like me or DH much, but loved Byanka. Jump forward a year and Byanka got really sick and I had to put her down. Rory got worse and worse by the day so I ended up adopting another cat, Olivia, as a companion for her. Olivia has had her share of health (mainly dental) issues, but she is a happy and healthy kitty. Rory has never had any health issues, but is a bit of a head case to put it lightly. With a TON of work over the year, DH had actually managed to get her to come out of her shell, like people, come to be pet, play, and cuddle. She because less dependent on Olivia and sort of did a reverse ageing thing on us. And then last summer she got pretty sick… she was vomiting everywhere and lost about ¾ of her body weight rapidly. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis and responded well to the medication and new foods at first. However, as time went on she stopped eating again, started vomiting a lot, and just started to lose the weight she had finally put back on. Just before Valentine ’s Day I made the decision to put her to sleep. It wasn’t easy… I had flip flopped many times before… but it was what was best for her quality of life. Honestly, she barely made it through the sedation before the euthanasia. It was time. Olivia isn’t taking it too well. She feels neglected all night because of the LO and much needed downtime by DH and I, and she is alone all day. I have considered re-homing her but I don’t think I could seriously do that. I don’t know… maybe.

On a more positive note, we are leaving for vacation in 2 weeks!!! Let the countdown begin!