Many of you follow this blog purely by email subscription but you all know there is a website that I work really hard on too, right? Just teasing! But seriously… please check it out. I have been making a number of changes lately and I want your feedback! Not completely happy with the layout right now, but can’t seem to figure out another way either…
Also, I had applied for this a few weeks ago and I was just notified today that Creating My Monster is now a part of the Yummy Mummy Club Community! This is all still new to me and I am just getting started, but you can find my profile here. I am excited to see where this leads! Check out their site while you’re there; lots of helpful and interesting things to discover from pregnancy and parenting to food and fashion!
And, last but not least, I have also been working on a new blog site. It is currently up and running if you want to check it out, but it is still under construction. It is mainly just being used to highlight and connect to other social media outlets I am part of by keeping them all together in one spot for easy access. The address may change as well, but for now you can find it here.