Did my blood test this morning and I just got the call from the nurse. No surprises... negative as expected. So, just to summarize everything up to date:
IUI #1 March 2010: Clomid – Cancelled
IUI #2 April 2010: Clomid – Cancelled
IUI #3 May 2010: Gonal-F – Cancelled
IVM #1 November 2010: Cancelled before starting (cyst)
IVM #2 December 2010: Repronex etc… - 4 embryos, 2 transferred and 2 frozen, Negative (BFN)
IVM #2 March 2011: 2 frozen embryos transferred, BFN
IVF #1 February 2012: Repronex etc…, converted to IUI #4, BFN
I will be meeting with my doctor soon and we will go over the medications I have been using, what I will use the next time, and anything else that needs to be discussed. I believe the next round will also be scheduled but from what I understand there is a LONG list ahead of me so who knows when it will happen...